Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn:
Life's Greatest Lessons Are Gained from Our Losses (2015)
by John C. Maxwell
Life's Greatest Lessons Are Gained from Our Losses (2015)
by John C. Maxwell
When I first became
trainee as Assistant Manager at GSC Times Square, KL few years ago, I knew that
I don't have experience as a leader at workplace. At school, yes; campus, oh yeah;
workplace, not so much (part-time doesn't count). One of books on leadership
that was very helpful for me during that challenging time is John C. Maxwell's Ultimate Leadership (2007), a 544 pages
book! I underlines, highlighted and taking notes. Bulky book, a bible on
leadership (second on the list is Gene Wilkes's Jesus on Leadership). Any books by John C. Maxwell will never fail
you, this I'm quite sure. Without exception, Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn is one of the best. Want to
know what this book is all about? Read the title and subtitles below - and
you'll know what it is all about:
Chapter #1 When
You're Losing, Everything Hurts
#2 Humility:
The Spirit of Learning
#3 Reality:
The Foundation of Learning
#4 Responsibility:
The First Step of Learning
#5 Improvement:
The Focus of Learning
#6 Hope:
The Motivation of Learning
#7 Teachability:
The Pathway of Learning
#8 Adversity:
The Catalyst for Learning
#9 Problems:
Opportunities for Learning
#10 Bad
Experiences: The Perspective for Learning
#11 Change:
The Price of Learning
#12 Maturity:
The Value of Learning
#13 Winning
Isn't Everything, But Learning Is
Good book! :)

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