“The saying is
trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the
world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost” (1 Timothy 1:15, ESV)
“Here’s a word
you can take to heart and depend on: Jesus Christ came into the world to save
sinners. I’m proof – Public Sinner Number One” (The Message)
Verse 15 is one of the
best-known verses in the New Testament and clearly declares the purpose of the
coming of the Lord Jesus Christ into the world as well as the humility of Paul.
This verse should be preached during Christmas! Paul stresses the pre-existence
of the Saviour – “Christ Jesus came into the
world.” This was the expression that Jesus used of Himself: “I came not to call the righteous, but
sinners” (Matthew 9:13); “For the Son
of Man came to seek and to save the lost” (Luke 19:10). This was also a
favorite expression of the apostle John in speaking of the entrance of Jesus
into the world: “He came to his own…”
(John 1:11, read the John 1:1-18). The main purpose of why Jesus, the Son of
God came – the one that overrides all the others in the Bible put together –
the reason why we need Him is: “to save
sinners.” Who are the sinners? Not just Paul, but all of us, for “all have sinned” (read Romans 3:23).
Nobody is an exception, all of us need Jesus because all of us sinners. No matter
how good one may appear in the eyes of men, by God’s standard of perfection, “the whole world may be held accountable to
God” (Romans 3:19).
See Paul’s humility as he
compares himself by Jesus’ standard of holiness and perfection, Paul said, “I am the foremost,” the chief sinners, or
“Public Sinner Number One.” Before a holy
God, the great apostle Paul sees his sinfulness. Paul, I think, could not
forget the days when he was a “blasphemer,
persecutor and insolent opponent” (1 Timothy 1:13) against Jesus and the
believers. The realization of the magnitude of his sin caused him to see
himself as the worst, rotten sinner that God ever saved or would save. When I
read this, I say to myself, “This is
truly the cry of a repentant heart.”
A few years ago, I sat in
the audience during a preaching service in a youth camp by an ‘anointed’
preacher. The verses that he quotes were powerful (of course, God’s Word is
powerful regardless of who preach it), and after he preached with little offense to
sin or the sinner, he invited people to come to the front to make a decision.
He prayed loud and clear: “O God, bless
all these wonderful people who come to you tonight.” It wasn’t wrong per
se, but to me, when I read the Scripture (when I witnessed my conversion
and other’s) whenever a repentant-sinner comes to Jesus Christ, he or she won’t
see himself as a ‘wonderful person! They will stand like the apostle Paul
before Christ as the “Public Sinner
Number One” and cries like the humble tax collector in Luke 18, “God, be merciful to me, a sinner!” (v.13). This I perceives
as the evidence of a revival, a heart awakened to Christ by the Holy Spirit.
Only when we have this awareness or realization of genuine repentance, then God
will fill you and me with joy indescribable! This is wonderful indeed.

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