Gospel-Centered Teaching:
Showing Christ in All the Scripture (2013)
by Trevin Wax
I bought
this valuable book from the Hill Book Fair for only RM3. It is a short little
book and easy to read but worth all the effort. Trevin Wax, managing editor of The Gospel Project at LifeWay Christian Resources, has written
easy-to-understand guide to what it means to be focused on Christ in our teaching.
The apostle Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 3 that Jesus is the foundation of the
church and we must take care how we build upon this foundation. As Bible
teacher, I’m concerned that every sharing and Bible Study must be founded in
the gospel of Jesus Christ. I believe that it’s Jesus who changes lives, and
the goal of our Bible Study is to continually reintroduce people to him.
I was
challenged when I read the first chapter when the author writes that the
biggest problem with Christians today is Biblical literacy. “It’s an epidemic,” he said. I understand
this issue very well. He also points out another issue, namely, that we have “a closed-off group of biblical junkies who
view Bible Study as their ‘fix’ for the week.” And sometime we can have “people who can win a game of Bible trivia,
but who don’t look very much like Jesus.” We want to ‘go deeper’ we said
but that also is not the answer, for the demons “got their theology down (James 2), but are devils still.” The
question is not so much of “What’s
missing?” (though methods and problem solving are important) but rather the
question is – “Who’s missing?” The answer, of course, is Jesus. When we ask the right question, “Who’s missing?” from our sharing/teaching, we’ll embark on a quest
to find Jesus in all the Scripture.
As I
prepare Bible studies in the future (and you too), I ought to ask myself these
3 questions by Travin Wax: #1 How does
this topic or passage fit into the Big Story of Scripture?; #2 What is distinctively Christian about the
way I am addressing this topic or passage?; and #3 How does this truth equip God’s church to live on mission? If I
can answer these questions rightly, I can be sure that I’m teaching a
Gospel-centered teaching and Christ-focused Bible Study. I recommend this book
to every preacher, small group leader, Sunday school facilitator and Bible
Study teacher. This book is an excellent guide for us to understand how to
teach the Bible with Christ as our focus,
the gospel as our centre and the entire Bible as one big story about
This book
is divided into 5 chapters:
- Something’s Missing
- Back to Basics
- Connect the Dots and Tell the Story
- Ground Your Application in the Gospel
- Overflow with Passion for God’s Mission

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