The Heart of Leadership: Becoming a Leader People Want
to Follow (2013)
by Mark Miller
by Mark Miller
This book is very
enlightening and entertaining business fable (story with lessons). It’s about a
young and ambitious man named Blake Brown who desperately wanted promotion but doesn’t
have despite his outstanding individual performance. His boss Samantha keeps on
telling him that “leaders are different.”
In his confusion and frustration, Blake turns to his former mentor, Debbie
Brewster, for advice but instead she sends him on a quest to meet five leaders,
each of whom hold “a piece of the puzzle
he’s trying to solve.” Are you the type of leader people want to follow?
You and I can be – this book will show us what sets great leaders apart from
all the rest.
“Leaders are different”. That
wasn’t a new idea for me, but I’m grateful that Mark Miller keeps reminding and
emphasizing that. And to be different, I have to have leadership character. “As important as the skills are,” he
writes, “lack of skills is not what
derails most leaders; skill are too easy to learn. If you want to predict
people’s ultimate success as leaders, evaluate not their skills but their
leadership character.” Without leadership character no one cares about our
skills. That’s true! Here are 5 core traits that together constitute leadership
character as Blake learned these from his interviews with great leaders, they
represent the HEART of leadership (I
add questions for each point instead of nugget of truths found in the book so
that you’ll read it for yourself):
#1 Hunger for Wisdom
#1 Hunger for Wisdom
“You need to think of your quest for wisdom as a hunger that will never
be satiated.” Good questions to ask myself: Do I see my personal
development as one of my highest priorities? Is my calendar reflects the high
priority I place on the pursuit of wisdom? Am I invest time on a regular basis
with people who help me grow?
#2 Expect the Best
“The future has not yet been written – it is written by leaders.”
When difficulties arise, am I remain optimist? Am my ‘expect the best’ outlook
impacts all areas of my life? Do I consistently demonstrate an ‘expect the best’
attitude? Am I able to grasp reality and still maintain my optimism?
#3 Accept Responsibility
“The best leaders don’t blame others. They own their actions and their
outcomes.” Am I accept responsibility for my effort and outcomes? Am I willingly
accept responsibility for the work of those I lead? When outcomes are not good,
am I look to my role in the situation first? And when outcomes are good, am I quick
to give praise to others?
#4 Respond with Courage
“Leaders usually don’t wait – they initiate.” “Your missed opportunities are often no big deal in isolation. They are,
however, cumulative.” Am I willing to make tough decisions? Can people
count on me to do the right thing even when it won’t be popular? Is my first instinct
when faced with a challenge or opportunity is to act?
#5 Think Others First
“The servant leader constantly works to help others win.” “SERVE = See
the Future, Engage and Develop
Others, Reinvent Continuously, Value Results and Relationships, and Embody the Values.” Do I consider
the needs and desires of others before my own? Am I constantly look for ways to
add value to others? During my daily activities, do I often find myself serving
others? Am I a serving leader?
When I read this book, I no
longer thinking of Blake, the main character, but I see myself on the quest of
learning and improving my leadership character. His journey of discovery became
mine. In the final note, “the heart of leadership is a matter of the
heart.” And so as I finished reading this book, I prayed, ‘Lord, only you can change my heart, change
it Lord so that I may lead with the HEART of leadership. Amen.’
Seriously, read and apply
the principles in this book!
[only RM17.90 at
Xcessbook, AmCorp Mall, Petaling Jaya]

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