Dear sweetheart Annabel,
Daddy left this letter with a book for you to read while I’m
gone these few days. How’s your school? I promise that we will spent time
together for dinner this weekend, okay? Chocolate vanilla or green tea
ice-cream for dessert? Both? It’s going to be fun!
Oh ya, about the book Eugene Peterson’s The Message: Proverbs that I want you to
read and meditate… I love this translation because it’s fresh and I have been
reading it many times now. If you are looking for wisdom, the Book of Proverbs
is a wonderful place to start. It has 31 chapters, one for each day of the
month if you like. If you read and meditate on its wisdom regularly, and if you
take its teachings to heart, you’ll gain timeless wisdom from God’s unchanging
School can teach you knowledge and skills, but only God’s
Word can give you true wisdom and understanding (go for both of course). “Knowledge is horizontal,” writes Billy
Graham, “Wisdom is vertical; it comes
down from above.” Wisdom, however, will not come instantly, you must seek
it day by day. Be passionate, my daughter, in your pursuit of God’s wisdom;
sincerely seek to live a life of righteousness. Proverbs 4:6 says: “Don’t
turn your back on wisdom, for she will protect you. Love her, and she will
guard you.” The Bible describes wisdom as “she” not because it means
that wisdom have gender, but it is personal. Take this advice personally.
When daddy was young and your grandpa is not there to be
a Christian father-figure for me, I seek for myself worthy mentors – men and
women of God – and listen carefully to
their advice and exemplified their lives. Find yours (I’ll suggest to you when
we meet okay). You must associate day in and out with people who behave wisely
and responsibly. And, you must act in accordance with your beliefs. Be wise and
be a blessing to our family, your friends and to the world. I already proud of
Annabel, you have grown
wiser, yet you’re always be my baby girl.
Daddy loves you,

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