Jesus is God’s love made visible: “[the Word]
became flesh and dwelt among us” (John 1:14). Jesus spoke out from the
mountaintops; he did not mutter in the valleys. He spoke in synagogues,
streets, gardens, and at every party he went to. He was not afraid to stand out
in the crowd. When the Temple guards, uncertain of which man they were to grab,
trying to arrest all the disciples, Jesus stepped forward and said, “I’m the one you’re looking for. Let these
others go” (John 18:9). He was willing to be God’s lightning rod.
D. L. Moody was one of the
greatest evangelists who ever lived. He drew crowds of tens of thousands of
people every time he spoke. Once when someone asked him how he could be such a
powerful speaker, he said, “Before I speak
I just go out to an open place and say ‘Lord, set me on fire.’”
A light should be set on a
hill, not hidden under a bushel. Jesus was not a low-profile person.
He was visible.
How are you visible as a leader?
What are some ways you could increase your visibility?

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