“Call the question” means it
is time to stop talking about the issue and take an action. We love to
discuss more than we like to decide. Jesus throughout the Gospel stories was
constantly saying, “Call the question
I once read: A woman
dreamed that she was being chased by a bear. When the bear finally cornered
her, she asked in terror, “Are you going
to kill me?” The bear calmly replied, “I
don’t know, lady. You tell me. This is your dream.” This is a frustrating
story for some because she was required to come up with the answer, rather than
it being imposed upon her.
Jesus empowered people
because he was willing to call the question: “Who do people say that I am? Who do you think I am? What do you want? Where
is your faith?” He asked question after question. Perhaps he asked so many questions
because one of his mottos was, “You shall
know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” The truth is not always
easily available. Sometimes it is hidden by our own delusions and is wrapped by
worries and fears. Calling the question sometime means taking the time to look
into our own heart and let the Holy Spirit examines us. By ‘forcing’ ourselves –
and others – to tell the truth, we can know our true inner selves. Then what
happen? We’ll be free. The truth will set us free, this is what Jesus believed.
Jesus called the question.
What obvious situation have you been afraid to bring
to light?
When the truth is unbound, can you see the positive
results from this freedom?

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