Dear Annie,
Sorry for this late reply to your previous letter. Life
has been hard for me these few days. I was discouraged by my own sinful thoughts
that lead to guilty conscious. But don’t worry… I’m okay now, Christ in His
Word have encouraged me greatly.
It has been said that character is what we are when
nobody is watching. How true. When we do things that we know aren’t right, we
try to hide them from our families, friends and loved ones. But even then, God
is watching. I was tormented by my own guilty conscious. Oh how glad, joy and
content I am now when I obey God’s commandments of repentance and seek for His
grace and forgiveness upon me. What a joy!
A clear conscience is one of the rewards we earn when we
obey God’s Word and follow His will. “God
has revealed Himself in man’s conscience,” writes Billy Graham, “Conscience has been described as the light
of the soul.” I wants to be able to say like Paul: “Believe me, I do my level best to
keep a clear conscience before God and my neighbours in everything I do”
(Acts 24:16). I learned now – relearned, in fact – if I sincerely wish to walk
with Christ, I should follow His commandments. Love express in obedience. When I
do, my character will take care of itself… and I won’t need to look over my
shoulder to see who, besides God, is watching.
Thank you dear for praying
for me.
Long to be with you again,
sharing our lives in Christ together.

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