Dear Annie,
I remember how much you like to dance. When I asked you
the other day, what brings you joy? Your answer is: “Dancing before the Lord.” That was your ministry. How your movements
and the rhythm of the music become one when you dance; how you used your hands
and feet to worship the Lord; your heart soar to the heaven with praise and
thanksgiving – I remember all. You’re beautiful then, you’re beautiful now.
But since you’re no more student but working adult
already, I would like to encourage you to keep using your God-given talents,
especially your dancing gift. Like what Paul said to Timothy, “Do
not neglect the gift that is in you” (1 Timothy 4:14). God has given
you talents, keep using it my dear. “In
the great orchestra we call life,” writes Max Lucado, “you have an instrument and a song, and you owe it to God to play them
both sublimely.” Or do you remember the old adage: What we are is God’s
gift to us, what we become is our gift to God.
I understand that sometime our society and the pressure
of lifestyle today, they may encourage us to do otherwise. We face countless
temptations to squander our time, resources and talents. I’m struggle with all
of these too. I think we should be keenly aware of the inevitable distractions
that can waste our time, our energy and our opportunities. You and I know that every
day of our lives, we have a choice to make: to nurture our talents or to
neglect them. My dear Annie, let us nurture our talents and gifts! God will
reward us and expand our opportunities to serve Him. As we serve Him, we receive
His infinite joy, peace and grace even in the midst of our troubles and
Would you dance again? Oh,
value the talent that God has given you, nourish it, make it grow, and share it
with the world. The best way to say “Thank You” for God’s gifts is to use them.
Long to see you dance,

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