“In your
relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus”
2:5, NIV)
In this great
Christological passage, Paul throws out a starling challenge: Reflect
in your own mind the mind of Christ. The mind of Christ was more than
His thinking processes; it was His entire inner disposition. It included His
thoughts and motives and desires. Because we reflect the mind of Christ so
imperfectly, we make a very slight impression on the cynical world around us.
J. Stuart Holden writes: “The world does
not believe in Him whom it has not seen, because it has cause not to believe in
us whom it has seen.”
The mind of Christ is seen
operating on two levels in this passage. On the level of deity, Christ did
not count equality with God and its attendant majesty something to retained and
grasped at all costs. He did not greedily cling to His rights as God’s equal. Instead,
He emptied Himself. He resigned all His outward glory, veiled His majesty, and
accepted the limitations involved in assuming human form. He could never be
less than God, but He renounced the outward display of His majesty and glory. Yielding
up the independent exercise of His divine attributes, He became a servant. “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus”
The mind of Christ
displayed on the level of humanity. “He humbled himself”
(v.8). We have every season to humble ourselves, but it was not so with Him. He
did not demand, as He might well have done, such a standard of treatment as
befitted His dignity. Instead of a palace, He chose a manger. His throne was a
carpenter’s bench, and His sceptre a hammer. His university was a village
school. So low did He stoop in His self-humiliation that He accepted the lowest
step – death on the cross.
This display of His mind
was progressive. It began in His thinking, led to self-abasement, and
culminated in self-oblation. Sacrificial love led Him to take these downward
steps, and we are to follow His example. His mind was the exact reverse of the
worldly mind that revels in position and power; that considers wealth and possessions
the greatest good; that delights in being served rather than in serving others;
that shrinks from suffering and shame. “Have the same
mindset.” “Let this mind be in
[Edited, modified and
modernized from Consider Him (1976)
by J. Oswald Sanders]

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