“[Jesus] left them
and was taken up into heaven”
(Luke 24:51,
The ascension of our Lord
directs attention to the fact that He is not only risen, but enthroned.
It is that event in which the risen Christ finally and visibly withdrew from
His disciples and passed into the heavens – a fitting climax to His life of perfect
obedience on earth. His glorious ascension was the necessary and appropriate
complement to His resurrection, and the manner in which it took place was
consistent with His miraculous life and achievements.
He did not vanish out of
sight as He did at Emmaus (Luke 24:31) leaving a question as to whether there
might be yet further appearances. He walked away from them, and then He was
carried up into heaven, there to sit at the right hand of God. It took place as
they were looking on, in broad daylight (Acts 1:9). There was no possibility of
mistake. He was really and finally gone.
He ascended bodily, and carried
His glorified human body into heaven. He left the disciples, with His hands outstretched in blessing.
As soon as His nail-pierced feet left the earth, He commenced His ministry as
their Advocate and Intercessor. They exchanged His physical presence for His
spiritual omnipresence.
The ascension was an
important part of the Lord’s ministry on our behalf. It imparted the
assurance that His death was effective and that all God’s claims
against sinful men had been met. It evidenced the fact that the problem created
by man’s sin had been finally solved. It enabled His disciples to give a
satisfying account of the disappearance of Christ’ body from the tomb.
Further, it was the
necessary prelude to the coming of the Holy Spirit as promised by the Lord.
As the Scriptures says, “the Spirit had not
been given, since Jesus had not yet been glorified” (John 7:39). Now
the way was open for the Pentecostal effusion. By the ascension, the local
Christ became the universal Christ whose personal presence was mediated by the
Holy Spirit.
To Christ, it was the
reward of His obedience unto death. “Therefore God exalted Him…” (Philippians 2:9). The
ascension reversed man’s verdict on the Son of God. Had the Saviour not
ascended, we would be without a representative in heaven, and without the
Comforter to lead and guide us on earth. His presence in heaven makes heaven a
blessed reality to us. Amen.
[Edited, modified and
modernized from Consider Him (1976)
by J. Oswald Sanders]

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