“…consider Jesus…”
(Hebrews 3:1, ESV)
“Consider him who
endured…” (Hebrews 12:3, ESV)
Two different Greek words
are rendered “consider” in
these verses in Hebrews. The first carries the idea of the prolonged, concentrated
gaze of the astronomer. The second means to reckon up, to compare, or to weigh.
Taken together and in their context, these words are an exhortation to fix our minds consciously on Christ, comparing and
weighting His sorrows and sufferings and testing with our own. What was the
secret of His serenity? This contemplation of Christ is here presented as a
panacea for our spiritual maladies.
It will cure our self-satisfaction. Do we compare ourselves favourably with others? Do we
criticize their actions and attitudes? Criticism is always made from a position
of superiority. But instead of comparing ourselves with others, we should be
comparing ourselves with Him who did no sin. Self-satisfaction withers in the
presence of the selfless Christ.
It will deliver us from self-pity. This is a spiritual disease to which we all are too
prone. Too many are vocally sorry for themselves and feel that life has given
them a raw deal. They feel misunderstood and neglected. “Consider him who endured” (12:3). Was He misunderstood,
badly treated, unappreciated, misjudged? He knew what it was to be misjudged by
His family. Compare with His, our trials are trivial.
It is the antidote for discouragement. “Consider him… so
that you will not grow weary and lose heart” (Hebrews 12:3, NIV). Aristotle
used the word wearied to describe an
athlete who throws himself down utterly exhausted after winning the race. Discouragement
is one of Satan’s most debilitating weapons. If we withstand his other wiles,
he will attack us here. “Consider him who
endured.” He was despised, rejected, and maligned. His ministry was
not conspicuously successful. His own intimates doubted, denied, forsook Him. Yet
He endured. Consider Him, and take heart again.
It will prove a stimulant for lethargy (means a lack of energy and enthusiasm). “In your struggle against sin you have not yet resisted to the point
of shedding your blood” (Hebrews 12:4, ESV). Have we
grown lethargic in the battle against sin in our own lives and in the lives of
others? Never for one moment did Christ relax in His warfare with Satan until
He dismissed His Spirit on the cross.
It is a remedy for forgetfulness. “[Have] you forgotten
the encouraging words God spoke to you as his children?” (12:5).
Have we forgotten the purpose of our Father’s chastening? Let us neither
despise nor faint under it, but embrace it in the confidence that afterwards it
will produce a rich harvest (see Hebrews 12:11).
[Edited, modified and
modernized from Consider Him (1976)
by J. Oswald Sanders]

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