John Calvin here defines
the essential features, or “marks” of
the true church as the preaching of the
Word of God, and the proper
administration of the sacraments. A degree of failure or diversity on other
matters may be permitted, providing that these two essential features are
present. He wrote:
“Wherever we see the Word of God
purely preached and listened to, and the sacraments administered according to
Christ’s institution, it is in no way to be doubted that a church of God
exists. For his promise cannot
fail: ‘Whenever two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the
midst of them” (Matthew 18:20)… If the ministry has the Word and honours
it, if it has the administration of the sacraments, it deserves without doubt
to be held and considered a church. For it is certain that such things are not
without fruit. In this way the unity of the universal church is preserved,
which diabolical spirits have always tried to tear apart; and we do not deny
authority to those lawful assemblies which have been set up in accordance with
the opportunities of different places in mind.
We have identified that the distinguishing marks of
the church are the preaching of the Word
and the observance of the sacraments.
These can never happen without bringing forth fruit and prospering through
God’s blessing. I do not say that wherever the Word is preached there will be
immediate results, but that wherever it is received and takes root, it shows
its effectiveness. When the preaching of the gospel is reverently heard and the
sacraments are not neglected, there for the time being no false or ambiguous
form of the church is seen; and no one is permitted to ignore its authority,
flout its warnings, resist its counsels, or make light of its chastisements –
much less to break away from it and wreck its unity. For the Lord values the
fellowship of his church so highly that all those who arrogantly leave any
Christian society (provided that it holds fast to the true ministry of Word and
sacraments) are regarded by him as deserters. He so values the authority of the
church that when it is violated he believes that his own authority has been
When we say that the
pure ministry of the Word and pure
mode of celebrating the sacraments are a sufficient pledge and guarantee by
which we may recognize as a church any society, we mean where both these marks
exist, it is not to be rejected, even if it is riddled with faults in other
respects. What is more, some shortcoming may find its way into the
administration of either doctrine or sacraments, but this ought not to estrange
us from communion with this church. For not all articles of true doctrine are
of equal weight. Some are so necessary to know that they should be certain and
unquestioned by everyone as proper to religion, such as: God is one; Christ is
God and the Son of God; our salvation rests in God’s mercy; and the like. There
are other [articles of doctrine] disputed among the churches which still do no
break the unity of faith…
I am not condoning error, no matter how insignificant
it may be, nor do I wish to encourage it. But I am saying that we should not
desert a church on account of some minor disagreement, if it upholds sound
doctrine over the essentials of piety, and maintains the use of the sacraments
established by the Lord.”

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