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Pic from the Movie 'Restless Heart' based on Augustine's The Confession |
In this writing,
originally written in Latin around 397, Augustine of Hippo deals with the
relation between Christianity and pagan philosophy. Using the exodus from Egypt
as a model, Augustine argues that there
is no reason why Christians should not extract all that is good in philosophy,
and put it to the service of preaching the gospel. Just as Israel left
behind the burdens of Egypt, while carrying off its treasures, so theology can
discard what is useless is philosophy, and exploits what is good and useful. He
“If those who are called philosophers, particularly the Platonists, have
said anything which is true and consistent with our faith, we must not reject
it, but claim it for our own use, in the knowledge that they possess it
unlawfully. The Egyptians possessed idols and heavy burdens, which the children
of Israel hated and from which they fled; however, they also possessed vessels
of gold and silver and clothes which our forebears, in leaving Egypt, took for
themselves in secret, intending to use them in a better manner (Exodus 3:21-22;
In the same way, pagan learning is not entirely made
up of false teaching and superstitions… It contains also some excellent
teachings, well suited to be used by truth, and excellent moral values. Indeed,
some truths are even found among them which relate to the worship of the one
God. Now these are, so to speak, their gold and their silver, which they did
not invent themselves, but which they dug out of the mines of the providence of
God, which are scattered throughout the world, yet which are improperly and
unlawfully prostituted to the worship of demons. The Christian, therefore, can separate these truths from their
unfortunate associations, take them away, and put them to their proper use for
the proclamation of the gospel…
What else have many good and faithful people from
amongst us done? Look at the wealth of gold and silver and clothes which
Cyprian – that eloquent teacher and blessed martyr – brought with him when he
left Egypt! And think of all that Lactantius brought with him, not to mention
Marius Victorinus, Optatus, and Hilary of Poitiers, and others who are still
living! [at the time of Augustine
writing this]. And look at how much the
Greeks have borrowed! And before all of these, we find that Moses, that most
faithful servant of God, had done the same thing: after all, it is written of
him that “he was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians’ (Acts 7:22)”
[bracket mine].
I would like to add, not
only Moses was a learned man from pagan Egypt; but Daniel, Shadrach, Mishael and
Azariah also men learned pagan philosophies of the Babylon empire. And yet, all
of these men are considered great among God’s people and who showed great
theology of the One true God and remain faithful until their last breathe.
1) de doctrina Christiana (or On
Christian Doctrines or On Christian
Teachings), II.xI.60-61; in Florilegium
Patristicum, vol. 29, ed. H. J. Vogels (Bonn: Peter Hanstein, 1930),
2) The Christian Theology Reader, edited by Alister E. McGrath (Oxford
UK: Blackwell Publishers Inc, 1995), p. 6

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