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Young(er) John Calvin |
[I just want you to read John Calvin himself and make up your own mind. God's Word is forever remain the Truth above all truths] The doctrine of
predestination is of major important to Calvin. In this mature statement of his
views, Calvin declares that some people
are predestined to eternal life, and others to eternal death. This
doctrine, known as “double predestination,”
affirms that only those who are elected to salvation will, in fact, be saved.
Notice how Calvin draws a clear distinction between “predestination” and “foreknowledge.”
He writes:
“The covenant of life is not preached equally to all people, and amongst
those to whom it is preached, it does not meet with the same acceptance either
constantly or in equal degree. In this diversity the unsearchable depths of
God’s judgment are made known. For there is no doubt that this variety is
subordinate to the will of God’s eternal election. If it is clear that
salvation is freely offered to some while others are barred from access to it,
on account of God’s pleasure, this raises some major and difficult questions.
They can be explained only when election and
predestination are rightly understood. Many find this a puzzling subject, in
that it seems to be nothing less than capricious, that out of the human
community some should be predestined to salvation, others to destruction. But
it will become clear in the following discussion that such confusion is
needless. In any case, the complexity of this matter makes known both the
usefulness of this doctrine and also the very sweet fruit which it brings. We
shall never be clearly persuaded, as we ought to be, that our salvation flows from
God’s free mercy until we come to know his eternal election, which casts light
on God’s grace by this comparison: he does not indiscriminately adopt all to
the hope of salvation but gives to some what he denies to others…
Predestination, by which God adopts some to the hope
of life, and sentences others to eternal death, is denied by no-one who wishes
to be thought of as pious. But there are many, especially those who make
foreknowledge its cause, who surround it with all kinds of petty objections.
Both doctrines are indeed to be located within God, but subjecting one to the
other is absurd. In attributing
foreknowledge to God, we mean that all things always have been, and always will
be, under his eyes, so that there is nothing future or past to his knowledge,
but all things are present – present in such a way that he not only conceives
them through ideas, as we have before us those things which our minds remember,
but he truly looks upon them and discerns them as things placed before him. And
this foreknowledge is extended throughout the universe to every creature. We call predestination God’s eternal
decree, by which he determined with himself what he willed to become of each
human being. For all are not created in equal condition (non enim pari
conditione creantur omnes); but eternal life is foreordained for some, and
eternal damnation for others. Therefore, as any person has been directed
(conditus) to one or the other of these ends, we speak of him or her as
predestined to life or to death.”
So you want to be a Calvinist?
Please reread what John Calvin himself wrote and other writings.
Please reread what John Calvin himself wrote and other writings.
1) Institutes of the Christian Religion, III.xxi.1, 5; in Joannis Calvini: Opera Selecta, ed. P.
Barth and W. Niesel, vol.4 (Munich:Kaiser, 1931), 368.33-369.14; 373.33-374.17
2) The Christian Theology Reader, edited by Alister E. McGrath
(Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishers Inc., 1995) pg. 232-233.

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