“Knowing God is a spiritual classic” (John Stott).
“Dr. Packer says we’re cruel to ourselves if
we try to live in the world without knowing about the God whose world it is and
who runs it. I’m convinced we’re cruel if we deny ourselves the wisdom contained
in this Christian classic” (Rico
“A foundational book. Great theology. It informs
the mind and warms the heart” (Mike
I. Packer writes in his foreword to the book Knowing God:
This is a book for travelers, and it is with travelers’ questions that
it deals. The conviction behind the book is that ignorance of God – ignorance both
of his ways and of the practice of communication with him – lies at the root of
much of the church’s weakness today. Two unhappy trends seem to have produced
this state of affairs. Trend one is that Christian minds have been conformed to the
modern spirit: the spirit, that is, that spawns great thoughts of man
and leaves room for only small thoughts of God… Trend two is that Christian
minds have been confused by the modern scepticism…

before you turn the page of your December 2012 calendar to a new year 2013, I would
like to recommend you and perhaps if you’re ‘lucky’ – to offer you a free book entitled Knowing God by J.I. Packer. I read this book on January 2012 and I want
to read it again because it helped me to remember, to point out, to direct, to
understand, to know the God of whom I am worshipping. Read it alongside with
your primary book, the Bible, and you will get your mind inform, heart warm and
passion re-flame. Come and ask for your copy NOW! (Or if you want to; ‘sell your bed and buy this book!’).
December 2012 Free Books

Comment below “Rich, give me one copy___(Your name). I want to know who
God of the Bible is, so that I may worship and enjoy Him as He is.”
And E-mail me at Motivates4life@hotmail.com or send message to my
Facebook your real name, phone no. and your postal address. Thank you.

“Rich, give me one copy___Elijah Loh. I want to know who God of the Bible is, so that I may worship and enjoy Him as He is.”
ReplyDelete“Rich, give me one copy___Lydiana Sorupi. I want to know who God of the Bible is, so that I may worship and enjoy Him as He is.”
ReplyDeleteDear Lydiana, I need your address for me to sent your the book. Thanks.
Deletehi Richard.I sent my detail thru ur email.I hope u got it. God blessed u :))
DeleteRich, give me one copy___connie jesse anyi. I want to know who God of the Bible is, so that I may worship and enjoy Him as He is.
ReplyDeleteYes! Three of you will get the book within this week... if the postman doesn't take their annual leaves... ha2 Enjoy reading! :)