Oswald Sanders, in his book Christ Incomparable, tells of an outstanding Brahman scholar disturbed by the progress of the Christian faith among his people in India. He decided to do all in his power to combat it. After careful consideration he decided to prepare a pamphlet that would set forth the weaknesses and failings of Jesus. With this purpose in mind, he purchased a New Testament and began a careful study of it. For eleven years he pursued his search for some inconsistency or weakness in the life of Jesus. Not only was he unsuccessful, but he was more and more convinced that the One he sought to discredit was indeed the Son of God. He accepted Him as his Savior.
Before you die... investigate honestly what the Bible says about Jesus; and make your OWN conclusion about Him. |
If one really search for the Truth and look for it in the Bible, God’s Word [no matter either you want to believe it or not] with brutally honest and willingness to learn and to be open to it – I can assure that your search will make a significance impact in your life. I say ‘significance’ because only God can really open your heart to receive the Truth; and it is also true that – only if you allow Him to reveal the Truth to you. I’m convinced, fully persuaded that; “All Scripture [the Bible] is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17NLT, bracket mine). Study the Word of God; the Bible, carefully. Find what it says about Jesus and His identity; His life and divinity; His power and authority; His love and mercy; His death and resurrection story. It cost you nothing if Jesus is not what He claimed to be, but it cost you everything if He is indeed in reality the Son of God – the Almighty Living God.
“He is Greater than any ruler…
“He is Greater than any ruler…
Mightier than any warrior…
Nobler than any king…
Wiser than any sage…
Bigger than any kingdom…
Better than any crown…
Lovelier than any name…
Worthy of worship…
Deserving of praise (Roy Lessin).
“Come and see,” Jesus said (John 1:39).

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