I had a mild disputed with my cousin few years ago. Our relationship became bitter over the years because we couldn’t agree with one another due to some minor problems. I’m with my manly ego, and she with her womanly self-important (she claimed that woman don’t have ‘ego’, I doubt). Whenever there was a family gathering, we would move away and sit in different part of the room intentionally. We decided not to talk and avoid eyes contact.

Reconciliation is Heaven’s Language. Reconciliation is the heart of the story about God and humankind. Reconciliation clothes every pages of the Bible. On the other hand, Sin is reconciliation archenemy. Sin is the heart problem that caused God and humankind separate. God, along the course of history always be the One who make the first moves, yes – only He can make things right. He sent His Son, Jesus, to suffer the agony of the cross so that sinful people could be forgiven and therefore reconciled with a Holy God. But you see; God’s eternal act of reconciliation is also extending between human relationships.
In Matthew 5:23-24(NLT), Jesus told his disciples, “If you are presenting a sacrifice at the altar in the temple and you suddenly remember that someone has something against you, leave your sacrifice there at the altar. Go and be reconciled to that person. Then come and offer your sacrifice to God.” In other words, Jesus says that to live with an unresolved human conflict actually hinders our relationship with God. May I say that worship is secondary after reconciliation because without reconciliation (set right with God and others) we couldn’t really worship God to the fullest – reconcile first!
I and my cousin were reconciled by the death of our late aunty…
Jesus has brought God and man together in reconciliation and fellowship by the death on Calvary…
And you – have you reconcile with God and with your fellow men and women?
You know, reconciliation becomes possible only when someone makes the first move;
An eye contact,
A tap on a shoulder,
A long-lost hug,
A hand extended,
A phone call,
A word spoken in forgiveness...
P.s: Is there anyone in your life with whom you need to pursue reconciliation?

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