Dear readers,
“No Jesus, No peace; Know Jesus, Know peace.” (Unknown)
Watching news doesn’t usually bring peace. I turned ON the TV one time just to a get fast news on football score between Chelsea versus Valencia, but to hear them I had to went through dozen of updates on worldwide miseries. And I feel the trauma, the heartbreak, and the headache. Two teens killed themselves, heavy rain caused flood and hundreds of people left homeless, father rape his own daughter, jobless grandson steal his grandmother’s saving, politicians sued for bride case etc.
We faced fear and scary news all the time. Children, youngsters, adults and even old-timers are exposes with bitter-pills of news every day. We absorb it like sponge every hour. We drink it like coffee (Okay some of you might prefer tea). Turn ON the television, you’ll get it! Flip newspaper, you’ll get it! Surf the Internet, ya sure, you’ll definitely get it! We all face the scary tomorrow.
But God have a solution, a plan way before the world begin: “The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us” (John 1:14) In the midst of ciaos – God sent His Son, Jesus Christ into the world to bring the Good News of salvation to all mankind. His Good News supersedes our fallen news with peace. He replaces fear to hope, darkness to light, chain to freedom. That’s the message of Christmas!
Understand, watching the news doesn’t bring peace; only God alone can bring you peace. Meditate on His love will bring you peace. Read and study His Word will bring you peace. Praying will bring you peace. Oh, setting your mind on things above will bring you peace. That’s the message of Christmas!
God make Himself available for us so that while still living here on earth we can face the difficult news of these difficult days with His Good News. That’s the message of Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
With Love,

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