In his book You Can Win! Roger Champbell told of a woman who had been treated wrongly by her church and came to him for help. He was sympathetic to her plight, but he also realized she would not be delivered from her hurt feelings until she got a glimpse of the suffering of Christ.
“No” she replied, shocked by his question.
“They did on Jesus,” he told her.
Campbell went on to say,
“Suddenly she saw my point. While she had certainly been mistreated by people who should have known better, she had not endured the pain and shame experienced by Christ in His suffering and death for her sins. My simple question changed her attitude about her persecutors and she was able to forgive those who had snubbed and avoided her.”
During the arrest of Jesus “…they spat in his face and beat him…” (Matthew 26:67TEV) Yet in his pain, suffering and shame… even when people mistreated him, he still said, “Forgive them, Father!” (Luke 23:34) Now, how much more you ought to forgive those who had mistreated you?
"Forgiveness is simply giving up your right to exact the penalty for the wrong done you,
refusing to take revenge. In the Christian’s view, it is allowing Jesus’ crucifixion
to pay not only for your sin, but the sin of another against you.”
refusing to take revenge. In the Christian’s view, it is allowing Jesus’ crucifixion
to pay not only for your sin, but the sin of another against you.”
(Jim A. Talley and Jane Carlile Baker)

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