Dear readers,
I was a naughty boy. I believe I was since my mother confirmed it. My friends also were naughty boy. You ought to believe me since I witnessed it. Home was our hotel. We came only for meals and sleep, other than that outside was our true ‘home’. Before the existence of video games (video games was unknown during our early childhood), we use to played in the jungle, create games and making toys. One of the deadliest pass time activities was torturing a swarm of ants with drops of hot-fire-melted-plastic-bags-balls. It was so cruel and cool. Children verses insects; handicap match. Winner is confirmed!
Years after that, we stopped playing this game. “Too hazardous”, mom said. (Translate: You waste my plastic bags!) I on personal level thought it would be appropriate to say sorry to them, I mean, to ants. So I whispered, “Ants, I’m sorry for what I’ve done [pause] I hope you understand.” If you think that talking to swarm of ants is weird, hoping that they would understand would be weirder. But the weirdest thing ever is this: in my childish mind, I thought that I could ever have a communication with ants. I didn’t say that I was stupid since I was a kid, but I say it is weird because I’m trying to do the unthinkable. Plus, at one time – I try to teach them how to avoid the ‘fire-ball’!
Richard, what is your point? You might ask. Either you ask or not, since you already read this article thus far, I would like to lay out my point anyway. Here it is,
It is impossible for a human being to communicate, to be intimate in emotional level and to teach an ant. To convey my thoughts and all of the above, I would have to become an ant – that’s the only way [as far as I can think of logically]. That is it exactly; [even beyond human logic] the God of the Universe, infinitely high as He is above us in His being and in His thoughts, had to become a man to teach man to know Him, and to know His thoughts. In order for us to understand God, it is necessary that He come down to our level and reveal Himself. That’s the message of Christmas!
About the birth of Jesus Christ, John Chrysostom comment, “What shall I say! And how shall I describe this birth to you? For this wonder fills me with astonishment. The Ancient of Days has become an infant. He who sits upon the sublime and heavenly throne, now cannot be touched, who is simple, without complexity, and incorporeal, now lies subject to the hands of men. He, who has broken the bonds of sinners, is now bound by an infant’s bands. But He has decreed that ignominy shall become honor, infamy be clothed with glory, and total humiliation to be measure of His goodness.” That’s the message of Christmas!
“The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us” (John 1:14) writes by human author about the Son of God, Jesus Christ, inspired by the Holy Spirit edited by God the Father. Isn’t that wonderful? That ‘the Son of God became the Son of Man so that sons of men may become sons of God.’ (C.S. Lewis) That’s the message of Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
With Love,

wow!!! :)