One fine day, I went to one of the flat giant malls in Kuching. And, I bought a book. Right after that, I stepped in to food outlet, just to sit back and relax. While sitting alone (also had 2 pieces of chicken wings), without further due, I started to read the first chapter. It says ‘the first step to success begins with the words, “I gotta plan”. Guess!! I paused for few minutes with eyes blinking. I began to ask myself, “What is your plan? What are your plans? What if..”. My mind started to work like a machine due to the questions.
“The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty” (Proverbs 21 v 5)”...Was it written by history’s wealthiest man? Yes, he did.

So, what is your plan towards your finances? Or, what are your plans toward your finances? How much is in your account now? Added or subtracted all the time? The parable of the talents (Matthew 25 v 14-30) teaches us a lot about financial wise. Money is not the problem. It is just piece of paper. But, the root problem is coming from us. Lacking of financial education, just take it easy about spending, think short and “IT’S OK” terms.
Take a look at the table below.
There is no such thing as, put rm1 now, you will get RM1mill tomorrow. Remember, haste leads to poverty. It takes time, efforts, studies and understanding to create something, especially in finances. Start to think and decide now. It is not the amount does matter, but how do you use the amount is counted. Plan for the future used. Invest for creating freedom. Save now to benefit your destiny. God cannot multiply your money if you hide it under your pillow. You need plans.
I will end with this, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”. Even God has great plans for you and I. Therefore, you are responsible towards your finances. It is your duty and financial future. It is your money. Start to plan NOW. You can start from small amount either. God knows how to multiply it since you do your part.
You can’t escape the responsibility of tomorrow by ending it today – Abraham Lincoln
God Bless!
About the writer:Albert R. Macewell work as a Senior Property Executive at Borneo Real Estate in Kuching, Malaysia. Graduate with Degree in Marketing. He is not an expert (yet), but his insight is valuable. His motto: "I DO BELIEVE THAT,EVERYONE CAN SUCCEED.IF ONLY HE/SHE HAVE DECIDED TO COMMIT."

Great one bro! :)
ReplyDeletegreat one dear. yay! God bless. :)
ReplyDeletei like ... i will used this method
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