“Once you know what you want, the resources of time, money and people will show up.” (Mark Victor Hansen)
One of my favorites author is Anthony Robbins. His book Awaken the Giant Within and Unlimited Power are such a genius work and I had gain much benefits from it. [Some of my friends’ critic me because his books are unbiblical – Indeed it is, take extra careful, but my answer will never change: ‘Don’t trapped in only one subject, read widely!’]

Never give up on the situation, Anthony turned to his friends and said, “Look, the bottom line is that if we want something bad enough, we can make it happen! All we have to do is begin to take action. The problem is not that there are no vans in New York City. There are plenty of vans in this city. Look down the street! Look up the street! Do you see all the vans? The only problem is that we just don’t have one. Let’s go get one!”
Because of his contagious enthusiasm, they determined to get a van. They had tried my time including offering the drivers $100 to transport them but yet their effort were turned down. Seeing his friends were ready to give up, he exclaimed, “It’s the law of averages: soon or later somebody is going to say yes.” Anthony was right! Later that day, they managed to get a driver to help them. The driver said, “I’d be happy to take you.” He reached over and grabbed a hat. When he put it on, they noticed what we written on it: “Salvation Army.”
That day, they all went out and spent the afternoon blessing people.
This story is quite common in a movies but in the real life situations, average people would give up easily when they heard the first 3 ‘No’s. To make things happen we should take action. Never give up when you faced with unexpected challenges that life presents. As Anthony Robbins says, “You make most anything happen if you commit to it and take action. Miracles like this happen every day – even in a city where ‘there are no vans.’”
Remember: THINK BIG by committing to make things happen. START SMALL by brainstorming ideas. GO DEEP by taking massive action!

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