Do you have mentors? I
hope you do. If you can, find one mentor for each skill that you want to
develop. As for me, I want to develop in these areas: leadership, evangelism,
attitude, and developing others (L.E.A.D.). As for evangelism, the late Charles
H. Spurgeon is one of my distant (long death) mentors. I've read a dozen of his
biographies and books. All in my library at home. I wish I can meet him in
person and learn by observing his life. But he is the man of the past born in
British in 1834 and died in 1892. His passion for winning souls is very
contagious. His sermons are powerful and God-centred. Another thing that I
admire about Spurgeon is his love for books. I want to emulate his reading
habit but I'm far from his genius, concentration, and comprehension power.
From an early age, Spurgeon was a reader — and gradually became a ferocious reader, usually reading 6 books per week (that's #6Books1Week) even amid a busy schedule of sermon preparations (usually he preached 4-10 sermons a week), writing books and editing the monthly magazine. By the end of his life, he amassed a library of over 7,000 books. No doubt this reading habit played a major part in moulding his mind to powerfully unpack biblical truth with the clarity and imagination he is known for. The Prince of Preachers advises: "Give yourself unto reading. The man who never reads will never be read; he who never quotes will never be quoted. He who will not use the thoughts of other men’s brains proves that he has no brains of his own. You need to read [books]." Yes sir! Of course, he read mostly heavy theological books (just admire his God-given brain, don't need to compare) but he also read many 'secular' books.
If you know Spurgeon, my goal to read #1Book1Week is nothing in comparison. And that is good 😆 If I'm ahead, he will never be my mentor 🤭 To read my sort-of review for these books 👇 CLICK THE LINKS:
#1 Bribery and Corruption:Biblical Reflections and Case Studies for the Marketplace in Asia (2018) by Bishop Hwa Yung
#2 The 5 Essential PeopleSkills: How to Assert Yourself, Listen to Others, and Resolve Conflicts (2004)
by Dale Carnegie
#3 The Holiness of God
(1984) by R.C. Sproul
#4 The Leader’s Greatest Return: Attracting, Developing, and Multiplying Leaders (2020) by John C.
#LetsMakeReadingCoolAgain #LeadersAreReaders #CharlesHSpurgeon
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