I was a John-Piperian. I
read half a dozen books and listened to hours of sermons & conference talks
(oh, I love biographical sermons!) by John, and one book that I value the most
is Don't Waste Your Life. After that,
I move on to other authors. This strategy helped me to not 'worship' pastor's
teachings but only the God that they faithfully preached
Recently, John published a
short book entitled Coronavirus and
Christ. What a timely, needful, and helpful encouragement. In uncertainty,
John delivers the Message clearly. In doubt, he calls us to remain faithful in
Him, and Him alone. In confusion, he invites us to see God's sovereignty. He
writes, "This is a time when the
fragile form of this world is felt. The seemingly solid foundations are
shaking. The question we should be asking is, Do we have a Rock under our feet?
A Rock that cannot be shaken— ever?”
This book is very
Calvinistic (in defend, some will respond "very Biblical"), and like
any other books by human authors, you should apply critical thinking and
prayer. I love this book because of its Christ-centeredness and careful
handling of the Word of God in regard to the reality of the world today
You can download this book
in pdf and/or audiobook mp3 for FREE
(although if you can buy it will be helpful to the ministry) at Desiring God
Website, HERE > https://www.desiringgod.org/books/coronavirus-and-christ
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#DesiringGod #LeadersAreReaders #CoronavirusAndChrist #1Book1Week
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