Jorge Luis Borges imagines
hope for me, "I have always imagined
that paradise will be a kind of library." Three of God's most
important creations: humanity, coffee, and books. I praise Him for books! Here
are my #1Book1Week Booklists for May
2020 📖😉⚡
1) Coronavirus and Christ
(2020) by John Piper. Here Piper offers six biblical answers to the
question, "What is God doing through the coronavirus?" He draws us
back to the sovereignty of God. You can download eBooks and audiobooks for FREE.
Visit the webpage Desiring God.
2) No Excuses!: The Power of
Self-Discipline (2010) by Brian Tracy. What we need to do to achieve
self-success is self-discipline. But our enemies are within - laziness and
immediate gratification. So, Brian says, "No excuses!" This book is a bit cliché and old school... and
yet, gold.
3) The Essence of The Law of
Success: 17 Magic Principles to Get What You Want In Life (2009) by
Napoleon Hill. This book presents - in a greatly condensed form - the
entire seventeen factors out of which the Hill's Law of Success philosophy was
evolved. Read with discernment.
4) One Minute Mentoring: How to Find
and Work With a Mentor--And Why You'll Benefit from Being One (2017) by Ken
Blanchard & Claire Diaz-Ortiz. Using their own mentor/mentee relationship
insights, this book provides a good guide into the power and influence of
mentoring and encourages readers to pursue their own mentoring relationships.
Why, What, and How mentoring in the form of a parable.
5) Tortured For Christ (1987) by
Richard Wurmbrand. After years of imprisonment and solitary confinement,
enduring inhumane torture, Wurmbrand emerges with a powerful testimony of
courageous faith. Even today, believers are suffering and dying for Christ, yet
their faith will not falter under the most unthinkable persecutions. At the end
of my reading, I asked myself, "Have I been persecuted for Christ?
To see previous month
lists, go to >
#LeadersAreReaders #GrowingLeader #LetsMakeReadingCoolAgain #CoronavirusAndChrist
#PersecutedForChrist #BrianTracy #KenBlanchard #NapoleonHill
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