Dear Annabel,
Weeks after your parents divorced, you asked uncle, “Why me? Why are my parents getting divorced?
What did I do to deserve this?” This is not your fault. I know this is hard
for you, and I want you to know that I’m here for you if you want to share your
feelings and thoughts. You’re just like my own daughter. Your father and I are
very close, you know that.
Divorce can make even the smartest person in the world
say, “I don’t know what to do or how to
feel.” A number of years ago, my parents got divorced too. At that time, I thought
it was the worth thing that could ever happen to anyone. I was sad, confused, embarrassed
and I couldn’t sleep. My stomach hurt. Many times I asked God, ‘Why?’
When people get divorced they often have a really hard
time. So do their kids. Divorce is an
uncomfortable experience for the whole family. Nobody likes it, not even the
mom or dad who decided to end the marriage. During my visits to schools and
campuses as Christian staff worker, I have spoken to many young people like you
whose parents have split up. Most of these students couldn’t find answers to
the million questions they had about the divorce. They have been through
situation just like you. I’m too. You’re not alone.
If you want to make sense of it all – this divorce and
separations – I want to help you to get through it. I know you are having a
hard time trying to understand what’s going in, no matter how brave and strong
you are. I hope I can answer some of the difficult questions you might have
about what you are experiencing now. I hope my letters to come will gives you
the encouragement and strength you need during this tough time. I hope you can
overcome this challenging situation out of your parents’ divorce with new hope
and understanding. Annabel, believe uncle when I say that you won’t always feel
as sad, confused and upset as you are possible feeling right now. Our God is the Father of the fatherless
like you and me. The Scripture says, “[Those]
who hope in the LORD will renew their strength” (Isaiah 40:31). Be hopeful
my child!
friend and uncle,

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