12 Ways Your Phone Is Changing You (2017) by Tony Reinke
“Do You Control Your Phone — Or Does Your Phone Control You?” Within
a few years of its unveiling, the smartphone had become part of us, fully
integrated into the daily patterns of our lives. Never offline, always within
reach, we now wield in our hands a magic wand of technological power we have
only begun to grasp. But it raises new enigmas, too. Never more connected, we
seem to be growing more distant. Never more efficient, we have never been more
distracted. Tony Reinke observed: “The
smartphone is causing a social reversal: the desire to be alone in public and
never alone in seclusion.”
Drawing on the insights of
numerous thinkers, published studies, and his own research, writer Tony Reinke
identifies twelve potent ways our smartphones have changed our lives—for good
and ill. Reinke calls us to cultivate healthy habits for smartphone use in the
digital age, encouraging us to be grateful for technological advance, develop
skills aimed at maximizing the blessing that we (and others) can receive
through our phones, and grow in the wisdom we need to avoid the many pitfalls
that exist with such a powerful tool.
In summary, the 12 ways
1) We Are Addicted to
2) We Ignore Our Flesh and
3) We Crave Immediate
4) We Lose Our Literacy
5) We Feed on the Produced
6) We Become Like What We
7) We Get Lonely
8) We Get Comfortable in
Secret Vices
9) We Lose Meaning
10) We Fear Missing Out
11) We Become Harsh to One
12) 12 We Lose Our Place
in Time
And let me add no.13, by
thinking and wanted to be smart, “We
sometime posting/saying something stupid.” Like the old and wise Apostle
Paul once wrote: “All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful. All
things are lawful for me, but I will not be dominated by anything… All things
are lawful, but not all things build up.”
[If you want to listen to
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