Dear Annie,
been two years since you passed away and it was one of the hardest times that I
have ever experienced in my life. At that time, I was completely lost, unable
to express what had just happened to those who are close to me, and refused to allow
the process of healing begin by closing myself off from everyone around me.
know that you will never read this letter… but I which our daughter will. Now that you’re gone. Dealing with your death
changed me forever, and the second I accepted that was the second I found the
strength to live the life I had always dreamed of. I will never be ashamed of
my (our) past. It was part of the wounds that makes my life beautiful. I will
not give up! Losing you is a painful reminder that life is way too short and
precious to be sad all the time. I have found someone else. She is beautiful
and she loves the Lord deeply. I know that you would want nothing more than for
me to be happy — not the day-to-day-getting-by-content-happy – but truly happy.
With her, I have joy!
you’re gone, I used to tell myself, “Keep
yourself busy.” I did. But now I realised that keeping myself busy doing
something that doesn’t make me happy only made me more miserable. It didn’t
make the time go by faster — it made each day seem more and more meaningless.
So, I keep myself busy taking the time to figure out what it is that I love to
do and what God would want me to do. Even though you’re gone, God is here with
me. He is my hope – my only hope! I’m grateful that God never leave me. And
that is most important than continuously missing you. Is this not the perfect
time for me to live with purpose? To motivate myself, embrace my newfound
strength and take a chance to wake up every morning grateful? What makes me
happy? God! Annabel, our daughter! Family! Friends! Colleagues! And her.
appreciate our time together. Memories and conversations that we had. But I
will move on. I must move on. I’m moving on. I learned that through these
struggles (in the past) build my character. My experiences make me unique. I
will not be ashamed of our past but from now on, I savour the present and I
will only look at the future – with God and His Spirit. With our daughter and
someone new.

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