Let’s Quit Fighting About the Holy Spirit (1974) by Peter E. Gillquist
When I first saw this book
– thin, old and brown – I thought I would just glance it thru and leave it in
the bookshelf of our office’s library. But when I read first chapter I was hooked.
Then half way I checked again when this book was published… 1974… really? Wow,
I thought the content is so relevant and so true and so ‘today’ that it felt
like it was written in the year 2017! Ecclesiastes 3:15: “What is happening now has happened before, and what will happen in the
future has happened before.”
Fighting about the work of
the Holy Spirit and spiritual gifts, are so very today. Evangelicals against
Charismatics, Catholics against Protestants. I’m not talking about fighting
over core doctrinal believes or major Biblical theology such as who is the Holy
Spirit is, that’s important and worth the fight. First truth, then unity. No
real unity without truth. Truth matter. But I’m taking about – and the author
of this book – the quarrel over the work of the Holy Spirit. “It is
tragic,” writes Peter Gillquist, “that Satan has used to divide us the very
means God gave to unite us.” Writing against the background of the
author’s personal struggle and experiences and his deep knowledge in the Scriptures,
this book explained clearly and gently why misunderstandings about the gifts of
the Holy Spirit exist and how they can be cleared away by love and truth. Based
on 1 Corinthians 12-13 he shows his deep love for Christians on both sides of
the issues.
He also shows what
exciting things God is doing with His people, and how those happenings relate
to the concepts of love and oneness among all believers. I like how Peter
explains this: “I cannot help but believe
the last great job Jesus Christ wants to accomplish with His people is to bring
them together as a functioning unit. In fact, Paul predicts something like this
in Ephesians 5:27. He says Jesus will ‘present to Himself the church in all her
glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she should be holy
and blameless.’ Jesus Christ will not be coming back to claim an ugly bickering
bride! He wants something holy, spotless. His prayer for the church was ‘that
they may all be one’ (John 17:21). This He has a job on His hands, and He is in
the process right now of getting on with it. We are living in the age when the
coming together of the body of Christ is the major theme. And the work has
begun. And to bring about awakening and unity in the body of Christ, God pours
His Spirit upon men. He has done it before. He is doing it now.” Amen!
This book is divided into
11 chapters:
- The Nature of Unity
- The Nature of Division
- Living by the Spirit
- Life, Not Lingo
- The Gifts: Knowing, Trusting, Healing
- The Gifts: Prophesy and Discernment
- The Gifts: Tongues and Interpretation
- Being Baptized in the Holy Spirit
- A Place for Us
- People Who Need People
- I’m Encouraged

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