“Certain persons, by
swerving from these, have wandered away into vain discussion, desiring to be
teachers of the law, without understanding either what they are saying or the
things about which they make confident assertions”
(1 Timothy 1:6-7, ESV)
(1 Timothy 1:6-7, ESV)
[Read previous articles on
1 Timothy to get the context and background of these verses]. “Certain persons,” Paul writes first in verse 3 then here in verse 6 are not
named. No doubt, these people are self-appointed teachers of verse 3 who were teaching
“different doctrine” or “other doctrine.” They have “swerving” (Some Bibles translated as “having strayed” or “having
deviated”), completely missing the mark when it comes to sound doctrine. Paul
says they have turned aside.
I read one commentary, the
writer explains that this is a medical term which means “to turn or twist.” Like twisting your ankle. This wasn’t something
you laughed about. In my own experience, twisting my ankle causes me to scream in
pain. It brought tears to my eyes. Such a painful experience! You had experienced
it too, right? This is what these false teachers were doing to the body of
Christ. This was no “mere trifling in
splitting theological hairs” as some say. It was a serious departure from
sound doctrine. Painful and seriously dangerous. The result was “wandered away into vain discussion,” meaning a lot of words
that didn’t say anything or lead anyway. Theological debates here and there, bla
bla bla. How many times I have listened to the empty preaching of some
high-educated preacher who, as Vance Havney says, practiced “the art of almost saying something.”
These false teachers who
had influenced Timothy’s church at Ephesus professed to be specialists and
experts. They “desiring to be teachers of
the law” claiming to be experts in the Old Testament law. Although
they presented themselves as those who have authority, they actually didn’t know
what they were talking about. They were “without
understanding either what they are saying or the things about which they make
confident assertions.” Their teaching led in circles and went
nowhere, but what they stated they did so with great force and confidence.
They know not what they
say or what kind of things they are of which they speak so confidently. Just
because someone shouting and stomping in the pulpit and goes through all sorts
of gestures when preaching doesn’t mean he or she is saying much or preaching
the truth. Or just because someone so confidently claiming themselves a Calvinist
or Arminian on Facebook and quoting a famous saying of reformers and preachers of
old, it doesn’t mean he or she is a true follower of Christ. It’s sound doctrine
that counts! The false teachers had
swerved from the simplicity that is in Christ. H.A. Ironside writes, “It is ever the object of the Devil to obscure
the truth and get Christians occupied with something that will hide the
glorious face of the Lord Jesus Christ and becloud the truth regarding His
finished work.” Again, it’s sound doctrine that counts!

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