The Story of the Sengoi Mission (2011) by Paul B. Means
Mission stories are very
encouraging. Oh, may our young people (who spent hours on Facebook and social
media) read and love Church history! How to stand firm in the faith? How to
endure difficulties and challenges in the ministry with joy? How to not give up
when facing adversaries? Read biographies of men and women of God of the past!
Read stories about missionaries and you’ll see that life is more than having to
worry about what food you going to eat, what cloth you’ll wear, and what
hairstyle suits your head! The Christian life is more than just playing online
games, charging phones, and hearing sermons on Sundays. It got to be more useful
and meaningful than these! Books like this show that nothing is impossible if
God calls us to do great things for Him.
Okay, about this book…
Hidden in the deep jungles of the Malayan highland (now called Peninsular
Malaysia) are a people who have lived in the hills for generations, perhaps
centuries, and maybe even millennia – the Orang Asli. The largest group among
the Orang Asli is the Central Sengoi of Perak, Pahang, and Kelantan “and who fall into two major tribes: the
Temiar and the Semai-Sengoi.” In 1930, an American couple, Paul Banwell
Means (1894-1980) and his wife Nathalie, decided to come to Malaya for
missionary work. “When I first became a
Christian in my senior year at Yale University, back in 1915,” recalled
Paul, “I was challenged by the missionary
call, ‘Go ye therefore into all the world…’ and we were told that no one could
be a true Christian unless he was a ‘world Christian’ and that Christ’s message
was meant for the lowest, the poorest and humblest.” With this motivation,
Paul and his wife soon became the pioneers of the Christian mission to the
Sengoi in 1931.
Paul Means was a scholar “missionary, linguist, translator, and
literary specialist.” Together with his wife, they contributed a great deal to the linguistic and literacy developments of the Orang Asli in Malaysia. “To me,” writes Paul, “it is a blessed joy to have the privilege of
telling this story of each of our workers, of their wives and families who
endured every hardship and indeed much persecution in order that the light and
truth and power of the Gospel of Christ might be shared with one of the most
primitive tribes of Southeast Asia.” After Paul and some other locals
represent later from the Methodist Home Missionary Society when on an exploratory
trip to the jungles of Malaya to make their first contacts with the Orang Asli, they
then appointed Alexander Simandjoentak, a Batak guru as the first Methodist
missionary amongst the Sengoi. Thru many early hardships, oppositions,
rejections, and even the death of his wife, Alexander still stand firm in the
Lord, “I have come to Malaya to work in
the Lord’s Garden here in these hills.” Alexander and other Batak gurus
gave their lives for this missionary cause. One of them, Sianturi said, “The Sengoi need our help and that is why I
like to stay here” (the story of Napitapulu especially for me was very
This is what I’m amazed
about the patience and sensitivity of mission work among the Orang Asli by the
Methodists in Malaya: “We proposed that our (Batak) gurus would
live in the jungles with the Orang Asli to teach and preach and live the Gospel
as the Word of Life and be a witness to their own faith, but conversion to
Christianity and baptism would be delayed for the initial years… the Methodists
would concentrate on education, health, and agricultural assistance but that
baptism and conversion of Orang Asli to Christianity would be delayed for 10
years so that other basic needs would receive first priority.” Wow! 10
years delayed! Paul Means and his co-workers “saw the Sengoi not as ‘objects’ of mission, but rather as ‘subjects’”,
writes Rev Dr. Hermen Shastri. More than 10 years later, in 1991, the work
among the Sengoi reached a point of maturity when Persidangan Misi Sengoi Methodist (Sengoi Methodist Mission
Conference) was birthed.
I echo what Bishop Dr. Hwa
Yung wrote in the Foreword of this book: “May
the Orang Asli find their rightful place not only as equal citizens under the
Malaysian sun, but also as mature believers in Christ and true heirs of the
Kingdom of God!” Next time when I go to Cameron Highlands or Frazer Hills
again, when I see the Orang Asli’s houses and people along the road, I’ll remember
to give thanks to God for His faithful servants who sacrifice their lives –
energy, prayer, and resources, and comfort – for Christ and His precious Gospel.
Praise be to God!

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