Jesus saw judging others as a major energy leak. He stated
many times that he did not come to judge but that he came to help. He did not
spend one minute on the demolition crew. He spent his energy on creation and
restoration. Judging others was not his job. He said, “I do not judge you. Your own words judge you” (John 5:45). He knew
our accountability. He trusted each of us with our choices [Jesus will come as
the Judge. Yes, Jesus doesn’t say absolutely don’t judge, but to judge rightly.
He rightly judged the teachers of the Law and Pharisees. Most of our judgement, however, is wrong judgment: destructive and self-centered. Here we are talking
about the negative, wrong judgment].
Judgment halts progress. When
we as leaders judge others, we inhibit our own forward motion. Also, when we
judge others, we are not doing our job because we are not in sync with the purpose that moves us forward.
Sometimes we judge others in ways we are unaware of, such as looking to see
where they are in the race.
Jesus said to Peter, “What business is it of yours what I say to
John?” (see John 21:21-22). Keep your eyes on your own forward motion.
He judged no one because
he knew the final count was not in yet. Even the thief nailed on the cross
beside him made it into Paradise because, with his dying breath, he
acknowledged and saw the truth. Jesus said, “Today you will be with Me in Paradise” (see Luke 23:40-43). Jesus
did not waste his time or energy judging others.
What kinds of things can you do to support instead of a judge?

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