To be an effective Bible teacher, you must have a
genuine love for the people you teach.
Love and service to people overflow out of your love for Jesus that floods your
heart with caring and compassion for others. As you teach, the warmth of your
unique God-given personality will flow out to the group. If God calls you to
teach in small group Bible Study, you will simply be sharing the Word that you
have learned and prayed over. You also will be sharing your life and the truth
that God has imparted to you with others. You are being obedient to help others
know Him better through His Word.
Someone once said that
opinions are like the nose on your face; everyone has one! A teacher needs to teach the Word, not merely ideas and opinions.
The fact is, our opinion will never change anyone’s life; only the Word of God
changes lives. Teachers need to “Preach
the word!” (See 2 Timothy 4:2). God’s Word stands up by itself. It is
powerful. Remember, “Faith comes by
hearing, and hearing by the Word of God” (Romans 10:17).
Prayer is also very
important. When teaching is bathed in
prayer, it becomes a part of our lives so that we can impart it to others.
As we teach the Bible, people came under intense conviction. Prayer will
prepare people’s heart to receive the teaching we give so they can be changed
and become more like Jesus. That’s the goal! When we have spent time praying,
we will find that people will be drawn to us as teachers, because the favour of
God will be on us. Expect the Lord to place His favour on us as we teach His

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