Keep the Bible Study moving and alive. Whoever has been given responsibility for a
particular part of the meeting must be enthusiastic about his part or the
meeting will falter and be of no benefit. People will be bored (If you have
genuinely try your best and be enthusiastic about it and some people are still
bored, then it’s their problem not yours).
Note: Delegate
as much responsibility as you can to others, but remember that you are still
responsible for the order and the spiritual health of what happens in a Bible
If there are those who
constantly interrupt, they should be gently confronted with the truth that they
need to consider others as more important than themselves (see Philippians
2:3). In 1 Corinthians 14:26, Apostle Paul tells us, “What then shall we say, brothers? When you come together, everyone has
hymn, or a word of instruction, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation.
All of these must be done for the strengthening of the church.”
If you feel that your
study are getting out of hand because one person monopolizes the time, you may
need to encourage that person who is overly verbal to allow others time to
share. Ask him or her to stick to a time limit. If, however, someone takes the
study off the topic, you can tactfully say that you will be happy to talk
privately about it after the study. This way you are honouring him or her as a
person, and you can keep the meeting from becoming boring for the rest of the

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