“In one of the villages, Jesus met a man with an advanced case of
leprosy. When the man saw Jesus, he bowed with his face to the ground, begging
to be healed. ‘Lord,’ he said, ‘If you are willing, you can heal me and
make me clean.’ Jesus reached out and touched him. ‘I am willing,’ he said. ‘Be
healed!’ And instantly the leprosy disappeared” (Luke 5:12-13, NLT).
Jesus healed many people,
but some of those cases stood out to the disciples like this one. An “advance case of leprosy” usually results in grotesque
injury and disfigurement. A leper suffers from loss of feeling. Nerve endings
that lie just below the surface of the skin all over the body gradually become
dead. A leper cannot feel a pebble in his shoe or sense that he has grasped a
hot object that is burning her hand. The pain that triggers an instant jerk
from us is absent in leprosy.
A leper’s life was marked
by other pain. In Jesus’ day, lepers were required to maintain a personal
quarantine, keeping their distance from others and loudly announcing that they
were “Unclean! Unclean! Unclean!” according
the Old Testament, to anyone who might come near. This man had advanced
leprosy, meaning people will never get near him, ever. It’s quite possible this
man had gone years without personal contact with another human being. His
humble request to Jesus might sound tentative to us, but it combines a balance
of respect (“if you are willing”)
with a profound recognition of Jesus’ abilities.
Jesus responded without a word. He moved toward the
man and touched him. Jesus touched the leper! Jesus could just heal the man without touching him but
he have more in mind. He want to restore not just the man’ body but also his
dignity and personhood. He treated him
as clean before he actually healed him. His words “I am willing” must have simply confirmed for this man
what was already happening in his mind and body. Wholeness is much more than
physical health. In fact, wholeness is more important than the condition of our
bodies. Even under the best circumstances, our bodies age and wear out; only
God can provide wholeness of heart, mind, and soul. Fortunately, God is
willing. Jesus is willing.
Think about this: We are
not yet whole. Sometimes we require adjustments; at other times only radical
transformation will bring about God’s purposes in us. Every glimpse of our
incompleteness can be an invitation to join the leper at Jesus’ feet to humbly ask for healing and cleansing. You might
not be physically leper but we all need to be whole. Friend, bring your
personal brokenness to Jesus, the Healer – today – with confidence that he is
willing to make you whole. Jesus still says, “I am willing.” Come to Him.

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