John C. Maxwell, known as expert on leadership; speaker, founder and writer of many books, including ‘The 360 Degree Leader’, ‘Develop the Leader Within You’, ‘Your Road Map for Success’ and ‘The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership’, which has sold more than one million copies. He is one of my favorite writers who had inspired and motivate me in leadership skills. Below is his introduction for the book that I want to offer for FREE this month, ‘Dare to Dream… Then Do It: What Successful People Know and Do’:
Everybody has dream deep down inside. What’s yours? Is it to climb the world’s highest mountains? To build a world-class business? To become a senator or even president? (Now, let me contextualize that: to become a people’s representative or prime minister?) To raise a healthy family? To win championships? To fly? If you could do anything, what would it be?
Most people don’t achieve great dreams. They give up. They fall short. They get off track. They settle. Or they dream too small!
When I was in college and imagined my career, my lifetime goals were so small that I achieved them in my second position – within five years of graduating. That’s when I decided to stop setting goals and start dreaming.
Theologian Fredrick Henry Hedge said, “Dreaming is an act of pure imagination, attesting in all men a creative power, which if it were available in waking, would make every man a Dante or Shakespeare.” You have the potential to be a Shakespeare or an Edison or a Churchill or a Curie or a King. Only two things stand in your way: dreaming it… and then doing it.
Have you dared to dream, I mean really dream? If something is within your apparent reach, it isn’t a dream. If you wouldn’t have to stretch beyond what you think is possible, then it isn’t a dream. Bold dreams change you as they change the world around you.
Maybe you’re AFRAID OF BIG DREAM. You don’t want to fail. Nobody does. But safe living leads to regret later on in life. U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt said: “Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.”
Someone once said, “Don’t let yourself be pressured into thinking that your dreams or your talents aren’t prudent. They were never meant to be prudent. They were meant to bring joy and fulfillment to your life.” What’s worst thing could happen if you pursue your dream and don’t achieve it? You could be where you are now. What’s the best thing that could happen if you pursuit your dream and don’t achieve it? You could find yourself in new territory on the threshold of a new dream.
Maybe you’re LISTENING TO CRITICAL PEOPLE. Some people don’t like to see others pursuing their dreams. The biblical story of Joseph, son of Jacob, is a classic example. Joseph dreamed big dreams. And what was the response of his brothers? They said, “Look, this dreamer is coming! Come therefore, let us now kill him” (Genesis 37:19-20). People who aren’t pursuing their own dreams are likely to criticize people who are.
Maybe you don’t KNOW HOW TO PURSUE YOU DREAM. Successful people know and do things differently than unsuccessful people. That is a fact. If you have experienced a measure of success, you know this to be true. It starts with the way you think and dream, and it continues with how you live.
That is where I desire to help you. I have studied successful people my entire life. I have spent time with them. I have learned from them. What I have learned, I want to share with you. I want you to dare to dream, do it: achieve your dream. I’ve written this book to help you do exactly that.
[Quote from John C. Maxwell, Dare to Dream… Then Do it: What Successful People Know and Do (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, Inc., 2006)pp. 6-8.]
June 2013 Free Books
I’m giving away for FREE ONLY 3 BOOKS of “Dare to Dream… Then Do It” by John C. Maxwell for this month. I hope and pray that this book may worth helpful and inspire you to achieve your God-given dreams in life. Priority is given to those who had never requested any books from me for the past 2 months. You are welcome to get a copy of this book for yourself by simply do these 2 things:
- Comment below “Rich, give me one copy___(Your name). My dream is [share your dream with me]!”
- And E-mail me at or send message to my Facebook your real name, phone no. and your postal address. Thank you

ReplyDeleteRich, give me one copy (David). My dream is to build the biggest free public library in Sarawak! :)
Rich, give me one copy. My dreams:-to go around the world and perhaps can write a book about it. Watch the setting sun and enjoy it while skydiving above 15k feet above the ground.:)
ReplyDeleteRich, give me one copy (Vera Alura). My dream is to build a Bible-based ministry that reach young people in an urban setting today :)
ReplyDeleteI already send the book to both of you last week :) Enjoy reading!
ReplyDeleteOne more book to go! Request now.
Rich, give me one copy (Joyce Joel). My dream is to be someone that I'm not regret to be (successful person). :)