“[We] know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28, ESV).
George Muller writes, “Our Heavenly Father never takes anything from His children unless He means to give them something better”. This quote reminds me of a story…
The only survivor of a wreck was thrown on an uninhabited island. In a few days he managed to build himself a hut in which he placed the little that he had saved from the wreck. Daily he prayed to God for deliverance and anxiously scanned the horizon each day to hail any passing ship. One day, on returning from a hunt for food, he was horrified to find his hut in flames. All he had was gone up in smoke. He decided God had forsaken him.
Shortly he saw a ship steaming to his rescue. “We saw the smoke signal,” said the captain, “or we would never have known there was anyone here”.
Oh what a great story it is. When his hut was burned in flames, he thought that God had forsaken him. He prayed daily for help but it seems that God is deaf or worst – God doesn’t care. But the God of the Scripture, my God, true God who is sovereign and good always turn something bad into good. In our suffering, we see ‘wreck’ but not God’s plan. We see ‘empty horizon’ but not God’s abundance grace. We see ‘smoke’ but not God’s goodness in suffering. Friends, God is good (especially) even in our lost, trouble, suffering and persecution. In our dark night of the soul, He is there – never forsaken us. Trust Him.
Friends, the rescue will come. He will deliver you in His time and according to His plan and will. I know it is easy for me to say so. You know what you yourself had (or are) been through. I know it’s hard and most people don’t understand. But I know this to be true: “Our Heavenly Father never takes anything from His children unless He means to give them something better”. I and you are pilgrim in this journey called life… wait patiently and stand in the faith. Emmanuel, God is with us. Amen.

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