Voice of the Martyrs prayer calendar] Brunei’s economy is based almost
entirely on oil and natural gas, and its great national wealth gives it a
strong measure of global influence relative to its size. The same family has
led the country for more than six centuries. Out of 26 people groups, the eight
largest are unreached by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Restricted Nation
Muslim 65.3%, Christian
Head of State
Sultan/Prime Minister
Sir Hassanal Bolkiah
There are few believers in
this small country. Islam is the official religion. While religious freedom is
guaranteed under Brunei’s constitution, Christians face a variety of
restrictions, including confiscation of religious materials intended for
distribution and sale, and prohibitions on religious teaching in private,
non-Islamic schools. Evangelism and
conversion to Christianity is prohibited, Bible importation is forbidden and
the government regularly ignores requests to build or expand churches. Even
religious symbols on imported magazines are censored. There are only three
registered churches in the country, all built during the colonial era. No new
churches have been permitted, so believers must meet secretly. The Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) has
smuggled Bibles into the country for three years and effectively met the need
for Bibles for every Christian in the nation in 2011.
Pray: Pray for wisdom as VOM monitors and provides for
the needs of believers.

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