“Then Jesus went back to the synagogue, where there
was a man who had a paralyzed hand.
Some people were there who wanted to accuse Jesus of doing wrong;
so they watched him closely to see whether he would cure the man on the
(Mark 3:1-2,
From the Law that says “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy” (Exodus
20:8) the religious authority had written many details of what is or is not
permitted on the Sabbath. Thirty-nine classes of forbidden work had been
identified. But that is just only the beginning, for there are endless
subdivisions and qualifications. For example, (as in my notebook) a broken limb
may not be set, you may not cut your finger-nails or search your clothes for
fleas, writing more than one letter is forbidden, a bucket may be tied to a
belt but not to a rope, looking at the mirror is forbidden because you may see
and try to pull a grey hair out and thus, break the Law! All of these and more
are considered as working on the Sabbath!
So you see Jesus was not
against the Old Testament command to keep one day holy, He was against the
religious authority for making the Law so complex and burdensome for people to
obey. Jesus was not against the Sabbath observation but the how they observe it.
They have turned God’s blessing to cursing. Jesus sets priority when He asked: “’What does our Law allow us to do on the Sabbath?
To help or to harm? To save someone’s life or to destroy it?’ But they did
not say a thing.” (Mark 3:4) Jesus asked these questions because there
was a religious rule that only allows medical care on the Sabbath if, and only
if, there is actual danger to life. He was “angry”
because of their insensitivity “but at the same
time he felt sorry for them, because they were so stubborn and wrong”
(Mark 3:5).
Jesus, like always, went
beyond that. He wanted to demonstrate that to heal is more important than
observing the rules. To refuse to do good (‘to help’ and ‘to save someone’s life’) on the Sabbath
was surely to choose to do evil (‘to harm’
and ‘to destroy someone’s life’).
So, “Jesus
said to the man, ‘Come up here to the
front’… Then he said to the man, ‘Stretch
out your hand.’ He stretched it out, and it became well again” (Mark
3:3, 5). Sadly, the people don’t praise
the Lord for the healing that Jesus had performed. Rather, they were offended.
The Pharisees especially were being humiliated in public. Jesus was adding
insult to the injury and so “they made plans
to kill Jesus” (Mark 3:6).
There are two significant
lessons (and reminders) that I’ve learned from Mark 3:1-6; 1) People are the subject of God’s concern, so
people come before rules. It was for people that the Law of God had been
given, and it must be with regard to people that it is interpreted; and 2)
throughout the Gospel of Mark, Jesus
was to be hated, hounded, and eventually tortured to death, and we as His followers need not hope for any
better treatment. Remember: “They made plans to
kill Jesus.”

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