“Jesus and his disciples went away to Lake Galilee, and a large crowd followed him.
They had come from Galilee, from Judea, from Jerusalem, from the
territory of Idumea,
from the territory on the east side of Jordan,
and from the region around the cities of Tyre and Sidon” (Mark 3:7-8,
Since the last two chapters,
we read that Jesus was mainly rejected and questioned by religious leaders. But
here He is welcomed by many, many people. “A large crowd
followed him.” What a contrast! If you have a map in your Bible
(Yes, there is!), you’ll find that people all around Israel and outside came to
see Him. People would have travelled on foot for many miles or perhaps days. Why?
The next passage tells us why: “All these people
came to Jesus because they had heard of the things he was doing”
(Mark 3:8).
Jesus was popular. Jesus
was the latest celebrity in Israel. Jesus was liked by many people. Just as
most of nominal Christians in Malaysia today – even majority of our liberal Muslim,
Buddhist, Hindu and atheist friends – somewhat respect and to some extent, adore
him. They also “heard of the things Jesus
was doing.” They know some facts and tit-bits about Him but never
had a personal encounter with Jesus of the Bible themselves. Movies, magazines, newspapers, books,
songs, Facebook & Twitter posts, T-shirts, car stickers – ALL!
– except from Christians witness and His written Word, the Bible. I think
it is due to their ignorance but for the most part it is due to our own fault. We,
who call ourselves Christ’s disciples are so busy with our own personal
developments, worship concerts, etc. that we neglect Christ’s great commission
to the world (Matthew 28:18-19).
People in Jesus’ time were
amazed and fascinated by His miracles. People today are amaze and fascinate by
His teachings. People in Jesus’ time came for healing. People today come for
prosperity blessing. People in Jesus’ time seeing Him as only a miracle-worker.
People of today see Him merely as one of the greatest men in history (and
nothing more). Both people of yesterday and today did not really grasp who
Jesus is – “the Son of God’ (Mark 1:1).
I wonder, Do we (individually and the
church) really know who Jesus of the Bible is? Are we attracting people because
of the promises of health, wealth and prosperity or because of who Jesus is and
what He has done on the cross for us? We must ask these questions or else
we might also follow Him because of “the things he was
doing” rather than Who He is.
Nevertheless Jesus was so merciful
and graceful that He “healed many people”
(Mark 3:10) that came to Him that day. Just like those who come to Jesus today,
no doubt He sometime blesses and heals them. That is not an assurance of
eternal blessing that is what we call common grace. After all, they come from
far away.

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