Charles H. Spurgeon once writes;
“If you really desire that men should be saved, pray for them. It is an empty wish, a mere formality, if you do not turn it into prayer. Every loving desire for any man or woman should, by the believer, be taken before God in prayer. We cannot expect that God will save men unless His people pray for it. There must be travail before the birth, and there must be travail in prayer with God before we can expect that many will be born again into the church of God. Oh, for more prayer! Let us cry to God in secret, and in the family, and in all our assemblies, that God would save the sons of men.”
[Quoted from Spurgeon Gold by Ray Comfort. Copyright ©2005 by Bridge-Logos.]
THINK BIG Think of others, the unsaved people around you.
Would you stop from self-centered prayers and start praying for them?
Would you stop from self-centered prayers and start praying for them?
START SMALL. Start with those who are closed to you.
GO DEEP. Trust that God will work the Message of Salvation in their lives. Pray.

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