“Now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” (Jesus in the Book of John 13:34-35NLT)
Jesus said, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:39NLT) Wait… why in the world did Jesus say to love your neighbor as yourself? Why not saying, love your neighbor as you loves me [Jesus]? I think, maybe, because God knows that our first instinct, both you and I know, that we tent to take care of ourselves first. In the beginning, it is God who loved us first; we love ourselves. Therefore, if we can learn to meet the needs of others in the same way we meet our own needs, then we are fulfilling Jesus’ command. It helps us to slowly be more others-centered rather than self-centered. Furthermore, 1 John 4:12 says, “If we love each other, God lives in us, and his love is brought to full expression in us.”
Caring for others, my friends, is what loving our neighbor is all about. Every time we show love to others, we are allowing God to be the center of our life. We are in fact touching two hearts – theirs and yours into fellowship in God’s heart: that is, Divine Love.
“It is good when you obey the royal law as found in the Scriptures:
‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” (James 2:8NLT)
‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” (James 2:8NLT)

your truly rite richard. this precious word really work in my life too.living in place where every1 are total strangers,any1 would felt stressed out.even i felt so too at first, but thanks to my mom,who always remind me that living with strangers doesn't mean u hve to act strange too bcos strangers doesn't always the bad image we often sees-it's a matter of which road we chose and what friends we hang out with isn't it...its always in our own gene-mom said "darling,do u know that God loves us so much that we could never hv enough day to count how much it is.so,u must loves ur neighbour just as u love urself.bcos if there some problems btn u n neighbour, thats mean theres something wrong in u...mom knows nothing better, But God knows better. so try mixing with people, treat them nicely.Loves them."
ReplyDeleteIn the end, I MIXED UP WITH THEM UNTIL NOW..ITS almost 3 years- nothing bad happened..we care for each other... ++ they oso gave me lots of limau mandarin everytme its chinese new year,kueh raya during aidilfitri..hehe..
anyway, The words,the sentences,it's all true..i may ignored my mom 1st but i made it by believing that What God said is truly true. - GOD IS LOVE!!! BLESS US ALL --- Just to share.With loves- X