“A survey revealed that 87% of single adults between the ages of 20 and 30 affirmed, ‘I want to have one marriage that will last for a life time’” (Gary Chapman)
It was almost 2 years since I’m away for work at oversea (Peninsular Malaysia actually, it sound extravagance though), then, after I went back home to Kuching, my mother asked me a motherly-question-of-all-time, “When you will get married?”
My grandparents asked a different question with the same point, “Where is your wife?”
Friends on the other hand don’t want to miss the moment when they asked,
“Maybe next year, bro?”
“Maybe next year, bro?”
As for now, my answer is still the same, “Not so soon… marriage is a serious business.”or sometime I just smile.
Marriage is not like a Nike tagline, “Just do it!” (“Just married!”) Plans have to be made, early preparations should be workout, and if possible, learn from others their mistakes or successes as much as you can. I always keep this in mind; Be friends with many, be best friends to few and married to only one. When Mr. and Mrs. Hendry Ford celebrated their golden wedding anniversary, a reporter asked them,
“To what do you attribute your 50th years of successful married life?”
“The formula is the same one I’ve used in making cars,” said Ford. “Just stick to one model!”
I heard news from fellow friends who are very rush in making decision to getting married too early or without think things through end up with bad reports – scandals, divorced, broken home, major conflicts, abandoned children, financially poor, etc. Marriage is not all honey and no bees, but it is wise for us to prepare ourselves to avoid such negative outcomes.

· That being in love is not enough to make a successful marriage
· That apologizing is a sign of strength
· That I was marrying into a family
· That spirituality is not to be equated with ‘going to church’
Mind you, this book is not necessary for those who will get married soon or in their early year of marriage but it is also (especially) for single you and single me who consider that marriage are sacred (two become one) and we want to take it seriously… marriage is a serious business! Peace be with you.
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