'Positive thinking won't let you do anything. But it will help you do everything better than negative thinking will." Zig Ziglar

1) Live a Balanced, Focused Life
Ziglar says there are 8 basic things people want to feel successful, "People want to be happy, healthy, reasonably prosperous and secure; they want to have friends, peace of mind, good family relationships and hope." He continues, "You are here for reason. That purpose is to get everything out of you that is humanly possible so you can make your contributions to mankind." Focus on what you want not what you don’t want.
2) Take a (Mental) Bath Every Day
We are easily motivated to start a life-improvement project, but staying motivated takes work. People frequently complain that the effects of motivational seminars, books and audios don't last. His response: "Neither does bathing; that's why we recommend it daily". [May I add something profound here? The effects of Sermons, Camps and Christian Seminars don't last too. That's why we need to read the Scriptures and attend all the above continually. At time Holy Spirit will lead your way, but never neglect the reading of Scriptures.] Read and listen to a positive, inspiring or motivational message. 'You can change what you are; you can change where you are, by changing what goes into your mind.'
3) Help Others get what they Want
Erin Casey summaries Zig Ziglar's comment: Commit today to become others-focused. With your spouse, your children, your prospect and your peers, keep the question, "How can I help you?" as a primary focus in the relationship.
I would like to end this note with 3 questions. Zig Ziglar said, "People want to be happy, healthy, reasonably prosperous and secure; they want to have friends, peace of mind, good family relationships and hope." Take a moment and ask yourself these questions:
If I earn millions of dollars, but destroy my health in the process, is that success?
If I become the best in my industry, but neglect my family and friends, is that success?
If I acquire great wealth and notoriety, but compromise my integrity and faith (in Christ), is that success?
The answer to all three questions is ‘No’, success isn’t one-sided.