People are far more knowledgeable now than they were in the past. With a few phone clicks, people can discover information on nearly everything. They may now learn things more quickly and easily without having to waste time reading something that might not be helpful or relevant to them. With ChatGPT and Google Search on my phone (and internet data), I'm an information demi-god. So do you!
But some things still make reading books relevant. For example, compare books with online articles #1 Books often provide in-depth exploration of a subject, offering comprehensive coverage and nuanced perspectives that online articles may lack due to their brevity; #2 Books also allow for a sustained focus, encouraging deep understanding and critical thinking; and #3 Books present ideas more clearly and thoroughly than the fragmented nature of online content allows.
But perhaps I should add #4 Books can be your friends. There is a vast difference between holding a book and holding a phone to read an online article. "Books are the quietest and most constant of friends," said Charles W. Eliot, "they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers." Well, use both tools but be biased toward books.
#ServeToLead #LeadersAreReaders #ReadingBooksIsStillRevelant #LetsMakeReadingCoolAgain

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