I will never know which authors and/or books God will use to make a difference in my life, so I just keep reading with expectation and prayer, knowing that if I do, the possibility is high, and if I don't, it's next to zero. This reminds me of the Ethiopian eunuch who read the Book of Isaiah but didn't understand it until the Holy Spirit, through Philip the Evangelist, explained the Scripture to him. The story is in Acts 8:26-35,
"God’s angel spoke to Philip: 'At noon today, I want you to walk over to that desolate road that goes from Jerusalem down to Gaza.' He got up and went. He met an Ethiopian eunuch coming down the road. The eunuch had been on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem and was returning to Ethiopia, where he was a minister in charge of Candace's finances, queen of the Ethiopians. He was riding in a chariot and reading the prophet Isaiah. The Spirit told Philip, 'Climb into the chariot.'
Running up alongside, Philip heard the eunuch reading Isaiah and asked, 'Do you understand what you’re reading?' He answered, 'How can I without some help?' and invited Philip into the chariot with him. The passage he was reading was Isaiah 53:7-8. The eunuch said, 'Tell me, who is the prophet talking about himself or someone else?' Philip seized the opportunity. Using this passage as his text, he preached JESUS to him" - and the eunuch got baptized, and Philip went on his way.
So, you will never know which authors and/or books God will use to make a difference in your life, just keep reading with expectation and prayer and the Holy Spirit will give you understanding. Amen.
#ServeToLead #LetsMakeReadingCoolAgain #1Book1Week #KeepOnReading #HabitOfReading #TheBook

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