The Message of 2 Timothy: Guard the Gospel (1973, 1984) by John R. W. Stott |
“During the gestation of this book, I seem to have lived inside this second letter of Paul to Timothy. In imagination I have sat down beside Timothy and have tried myself to hear and heed this final charge from the aging apostle,” writes John Stott in the introduction. As for me, I imagine myself sitting down under the teachings of ‘Uncle’ Stott (1921-2011) as I read this commentary and take notes of his excellent exposition of the words of God in 2 Timothy. He also writes, “I have been impressed afresh by the timeliness for today what the apostle writes, especially for young Christian leaders. For our era too is one of theological and moral confusion, even of apostasy. And the apostle summons us, as he summoned Timothy, to be strong, brave, and steadfast.” Stott was 51 years old when he writes this and surely he had witnessed many ups and downs of Christianity in Europe particularly and the world generally during the five decades of his life. If it was true about 49 years ago when this commentary was originally published, how truer it is today!
He continues, “The words which crystallize the letter for me are the two little monosyllables su de (‘but as for you’), which occur four times. Timothy is called to be different. He is not to yield to the pressures of public opinion or conform to the spirit of his age, but rather to stand firm in the truth and the righteousness of God. In my judgment, nothing is more needed by Christians in today’s world and church than this same courage.” I couldn’t agree more. A call to be different is not a call to be a weirdo or taking it as merely a motivational talk. It’s about to be different from the world who don’t know the truth, the false teachers who distort the truth, and the unfaithful who neglect the truth. It’s about guarding and standing firm in the truth of the gospel. “Hold on to the pattern of wholesome teaching you learned from me - a pattern shaped by the faith and love that you have in Christ Jesus,” remind the apostle Paul to Timothy when he was in prison in Rome waiting for his death sentence (see 4:6), “Through the power of the Holy Spirit who lives within us, carefully guard the precious truth that has been entrusted to you” (2 Timothy 1:13-14). When I decided to accept God’s calling for me to enter the full-time student ministry about a decade ago, 2 Timothy is where I always go to draw encouragement from, to remind me of the mission, and to be a solid foundation for me to stand firm in the truth. My life verse - and not surprisingly, the purpose for ministry - to “Preach the Word” is taken from 2 Timothy 4:2.
In the previous article, I already shared why The Bible Speaks Today is one of the best expository ‘commentaries’ series out there and how to use it [CLICK HERE to read]. But here I would like to zero in and declare with no apology that John Stott’s The Message of 2 Timothy is one of the best and important books in this series. I highly recommend this book to every Christian minister, especially the young leaders, who aspire to serve God in this high risk but also high reward calling in their lives. Stories of fallen ‘celebrity’ preachers nowadays shouldn’t be a surprise for us. In fact, Paul has warned us about this and more in 2 Timothy 3:1-9 and 4:3-4. Thus, we all have the potential to be in the statistic. We must with all our might and rely on God’s grace to “fully carry out the ministry God has given [us]” (2 Timothy 4:5, bracket mine) faithfully till the end. I think (although I cannot confirm with surety) the late Dr. John Stott end his ministry well. Paul’s statement can be his’ and ours’ in the near future: “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful” (2 Timothy 4:7). Amen 😉✌💡
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