The Message of 1 Timothy & Titus: Guard the Truth (1996) by John R. W. Stott |
At first, I wanted to reread John Stott's excellent commentary on 2 Timothy because I thought it is a fitting book for me to end the year well. But when I realized that I haven't read commentary on 1 Timothy & Titus entirely, I should go for this one instead. This decision proved to be profitable and timely! Praise God. Why do I think reading good Bible commentaries is important? On the back cover of every J.C. Ryle's Expository Thoughts on the gospels says this gem of wisdom: "If the best way to understand the Christian Faith is to read the Gospels, then the next books in order of importance have to be those which aid in the understanding of those Gospels." I find that this is also true for the pastoral letters or epistles such as 1, 2 Timothy & Titus. The best way to know the truth is to read these sacred letters firsthand. The next best is to read good commentaries about them.
I love to read commentaries written by the late Dr. John R. W. Stott (1921-2011) especially on The Sermon on the Mount, Romans, and 2 Timothy. His books such as Basic Christianity, Your Mind Matters, and The Preacher's Portrait also plays a significant role in shaping my Christian faith, mind, and calling. I'm forever grateful for Uncle John's ministry! To come back to his commentaries, I find that Dr. Stott is clear in his expositions, balanced in his teachings, and faithful to the evangelical beliefs. They are both scholarly and yet readable. One very helpful feature that I like the most is that, when Dr. Stott comes to difficult or controversial passages of the pastoral letters (such as on slavery, sexual roles in the church, government, etc.), he will take extra care to outline and explain other major different interpretations before he proceeds to the most probable one with sound Biblical arguments* and applications. If you want to read Bible commentaries or looking for references to prepare for your sermon and Bible study, I fully recommend The Bible Speaks Today Series published by Inter-Varsity Press (IVP). Simply one of the best!
Before I end (sorry, this is NOT a book review after all), let me share how I use a Bible commentary like this one for all its worth. First, I will try to read 1 Timothy & Titus from at least 2 to 3 Bible translations. I read from the New Living Translation (NLT), the English Standard Version (ESV), and the JB Phillips New Testament (PHILLIPS is actually a paraphrase). This first step is important because you need to be familiarized with the Scriptures before you study the Scriptures. By the way, keep in mind that the new edition of The Bible Speaks Today Series is using the New International Version (NIV) as the main translation. Secondly, always bring the Bible with you as you read through the commentary. The reason being is that when you read something that sparks your interest or speaks to you, you need to 'see' it in the pages of the Bible for yourself. This is not just good for memorization but also good for your faith and trust in the written Word of God. Finally, share what you have learned with as many people as possible through your social media, during Bible studies, when you give counsel to others, etc. If you read, you learn once. If you read and teach, you will learn twice. If you read, teach and live it, it will be part of your life 😉✌💡
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