According to the Statista website,* the average time spent using the internet in Malaysia in the second and third quarters of 2017 was around 8.45 hours. That’s 35.2% of our existence! No doubt, most of the time spent is for doing works such as research, communications, and promotions (especially when you’re in the social media or IT-related business and marketing). How about time spent on social media? Approximately, the respondents in this survey stated that they used social networking (such as Facebook, Instagram, etc.) sites between 1 to 4 hours per day.
Let’s take the least time, say 1 hour per day of mindless scrolling, and match that with one of the most popular excuses of not reading books “I don’t have enough time!” (90%) and the answer is: YOU’RE LYING! (I hope that will not turn you off, but instead, it brings positive awareness to your conscious and subconscious mind. But then, who likes to be called a liar???). Ray Bradbury says, “You don’t have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them.” Everyone knows reading is a good and crucial habit in personal development, so either you TAKE time to read or you MAKE time to read. The truth is you HAVE the time. Face the book more often than Facebook and you’ll be happier and smarter; The clock is ticking, so cut the TikTok; fight instant gratification and quit Instagram if you must (or if you're not that famous).
Jim Rohn, one of my favorite speakers in the past, said this: “Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary.” It’s not about the number of books you read, it’s about ‘Are you hungry for knowledge?’ I like how Bertolt Brecht puts it: “Hungry man, reach for the book: it is a weapon.” Knowledge is not power. Knowledge is potential power. Knowledge plus action(s) is power. But how to take the right action if you don’t have the right knowledge? Read books. Redeem that precious 1 to 4 hours! #ServeToLead #LeadersAreReaders #LetsMakeReadingCoolAgain
Here are my #1Book1Week for December 2021 CLICK THE TITLES to read my short comments and/or reviews:
- The Message of 1 Timothy & Titus: Guard the Truth (1996) by John R. W. Stott
- The Message of 2 Timothy: Guard the Gospel (1973, 1984) by John R. W. Stott
- The Man They Crucified: A Portrait of Jesus (1975) by R. T. France
- The Wisdom of Psychopaths (2012) by Kevin Dutton
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